Since 1972, the Bolton Hill Bulletin has been the neighborhood newsletter for the community. Published ten times per year by the Bolton Hill Community Association (BHCA), each issue features neighborhood news, updates from the BHCA, and local events for the 21217 area to keep readers informed and involved in the Bolton Hill community.
BHCA members receive the Bulletin via email as soon as it is published as one of the many benefits of their membership. Membership dollars support the production of the Bulletin and the maintenance of the BHCA website, as well as the Association’s efforts to enhance the quality of life in Bolton Hill. Click here to become a member of BHCA.
Together, BHCA and the Bolton Hill Bulletin provide the forum for our diverse community to find out what’s happening around Bolton Hill, learn about the people who live in the neighborhood, and support each other.
We welcome submissions
Please email us your news items, articles, and calendar events for inclusion in the Bulletin. All submissions are due by the 10th of each month for consideration in the next month’s issue, which is released mid-month.
To be considered, all articles, news items, photos, videos, and events must be local to the 21217 zip code or feature residents from the community. Works of fiction or poetry are always appreciated.
Bill Hamilton is the editor-in-chief of the Bulletin. Please click here to send your submissions to the Bulletin.
Comments and suggestions are also welcome, both via email and by submitting a comment at the end of an article. These will be made public after review.