Meet Tony Mack; he’s our neighborhood arabber

A peculiar piece of Baltimore charm, our city is one of the last to host arabbers (pronounced AY-rabbers), colorful horse-drawn fruit carts that can be seen rolling through Bolton Hill. Arabbers and their equine companions have been delivering fruit and produce to Baltimore neighborhoods since before the city’s founding in 1729, long before Uber Eats or Instacart or even the idea of supermarkets.

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There’s an Emmy in the neighborhood….

In early January, Derek Sullivan, 53, a costume designer, costume supervisor and costume Illustrator who has lived in the 1400 block of Bolton Street for nearly 20 years, returned home from Los Angeles with a prime-time Creative Arts Emmy Award.

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A short history of Eutaw Place and two women who helped preserve its charm

Look up and down the stretch of Eutaw Place that forms Bolton Hill’s southeastern boundary today and you’ll still see gorgeous old brick and brownstone mansions – mostly well-kept and owner-occupied. Many of the city’s most prominent and wealthy professional and mercantile families once resided in the houses along the 1300 to 1800 blocks, from not long after the Civil War until the early 20th Century, when they moved out to Roland Park and beyond

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