Bolton Hill Notes

🏠 BHCA creates committee on neglected, mismanaged properties; 💯 Parago family honored with Centennial Homes award; 🗿 Removing remnant of Confederate monument under discussion; 🕊️ Jim Craigen, Bolton Square resident, dies; 🌽 Two farmers markets are nearby on Wednesdays and Thursdays; ✈️ Brown Memorial Church is fundraising to bring Cubans to Bolton Hill

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Bolton Hill Notes

Pre-development study for State Center’s future can be seen online; Red Cross blood drive set for June 2; WNADA to explain 15-year development plan for North Avenue corridor; Help plan Baltimore’s future; Look for a new, improved (maybe) water billing system from DPW

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Bolton Hill Notes

🌱 Plant your garden now, win neighborhood recognition in September 🌱
🍻 The Brass Tap craft beer pub to host fundraiser 🍻
🚄 Neighbors threaten legal action to change Amtrak tunnel plans. 🚄

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Bolton Hill Notes

🎶 Join your neighbors at the BSO Sunday performance 🎶
🌹 Former White House gardener, neighborhood resident Gary Grimmette dies 🌹
🚧 Long Druid Hill Park makeover is a-l-m-o-s-t finished; maybe. 🚧
🎨 Midtown gets state money to plan art project on Eutaw Place 🎨

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Bolton Hill Notes

🌱 Green Streets Arts Festival is coming, bringing neighborhoods together 🌱
🚓 Maj. Natalie Preston named to oversee BPD activities in West Baltimore 🚓
🎶 Keystone Korner hosts Bolton Hill’s Gray Panthers 🎶

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Bolton Hill Notes

🚓 Changes in BPD leadership of Western District 🚓
📍 Marble Hill tour focusing on Civil Rights on Feb 24 📍
🌱 Apply for Garden Grants by March 1 🌱
🗑️ Dumpster Day: March 2 🗑️

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Bolton Hill Notes

🎓 MICA kicks off search for new president 🎓
🏗️ North Avenue project has a new name: Reservoir Square 🏗️
🎶 Beth Am concert: turning sorrows into song 🎶

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Bolton Hill Notes

🗓️ Next BHCA Meeting: January, 9 7:30pm (In Person) 🎻 BHCA Members can get discounts at BSO 🌳 New benches brighten Mt Royal Ave 🗳️ Want to be an election judge in 2024? 🌻 Garden club greening grant cycle opens Jan. 1 ♻️ City hopes for renewed weekly recycling pickups by March 

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Bolton Hill Notes

🗓️ Next BHCA Meeting December 5, 7:30pm
🎄 Holiday greens sale is underway
🚮 Midtown wants volunteers for alley cleanup on Nov. 18
🚦 City staff turnover may slow plans to moderate neighborhood traffic
💰 BHCA finances are sound at midpoint in fiscal year

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Bolton Hill Notes

Upcoming Event Oct 17: Habitat Gardening for Birds; Upcoming Event Oct 25: Curious about Cannabis?; Meditation classes moving indoors; Clothing recycling now available ; Pennsylvania Ave. Sanaa Center requests suggestions

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