Limited seating for program on bird-friendly gardening
On Thursday, October 19th at 7:00 pm, the Bolton Hill Garden Club will host an Audubon Society program on Habitat Gardening for Birds at Memorial Episcopal Church, Farnham Hall, 1407 Bolton Street. Learn how to garden for a more bird-friendly habitat. The program is free and open to all. Erin Reed-Miller, senior coordinator of bird-friendly communities with the Audubon Society’s Mid-Atlantic Baltimore Program will be the presenter. The evening will begin at with light refreshments followed by the program at 7:30 pm. Seating is limited. Please RSVP to by Tuesday, Oct. 17.
Still time to learn the facts about cannabis
Curious about Cannabis? That’s the topic for the BHCA Gray Panthers public salon coming up quickly on Wednesday., Oct. 25 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Community Room at Linden Park Senior Apartments. Admission is free but RSVP by email at for an idea of the number of expected attendees. You don’t have to be a user or even approve of cannabis to participate.
The speaker is a member of the medical faculty at JHU School of Medicine, Dr. Dan Morhaim, who advised members of the Maryland General Assembly as they reshaped state laws governing the growing, sale and possession of marijuana for medical or recreational purposes. Dr. Morhaim was a member of the legislative body for 24 years. He also has written a book on the end of life, Preparing for a Better End: Expert Lessons on Death and Dying. Copies will be on sale for a $20 cash contribution.
Dr. Thomas Edmondson, a Bolton Hill resident and founding member of BHCA Gray Panthers, will introduce Dr. Morhaim.
Sheng Zhen Meditation moving to Brown Memorial, with new dates
Sheng Zhen Meditation classes formerly held in Rutter’s Mill Park are moving indoors to Brown Memorial Church’s Assembly Room on new days: Mondays and Wednesdays from 5-6 pm. (Please enter through the courtyard to the left of the main front door on Park Avenue.) Going forward the class will have two teachers, Donna Blackwell and Peter Van Buren. Classes are free. More information here.
DPW wants you to recycle your castaway clothing
The city has started a modest recycling program aimed at extending the life of clothes and fabrics and keeping them out of the landfill. City residents can bring used clothing and other textiles to any of DPW’s five residential drop-off centers.
They will accept clothes, shoes, sheets, towels and other household fabric items. The items placed in the blue bins there can be stained, worn out, ripped, missing buttons, or have broken zippers. All items must be dry. The nearest drop-off center for recycling is the Northwest Residential Drop-off Center, 2840 Sisson Street, open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
What do you want to see in the Pennsylvania Avenue Sanaa Center?
The Black Arts District and Intersection of Change have partnered to create a new multi-million-dollar arts, culture and community campus known as the Sanaa Center, a two-part development project, which includes the expansion of the existing Harris-Marcus Center and the ground-up development of a new art center.
It will create a block of arts and cultural institutions in the 1900 block of Pennsylvania Avenue as part of the Black Arts District envisioned there. Proponents say Sanaa Center will attract more people and investment to the area, serve as a local economic and cultural engine that will empower Black creatives, strengthen the Historic Pennsylvania Avenue business corridor, and bolster the arts ecosystem in and around Baltimore.
They hope to complete the project by the end of 2024 and are seeking $2 million in state-appropriated funds and private donations. Community suggestions and comments are invited. More information here.
About the Bulletin. . . .
The Bulletin is published 10 times a year. It is designed by Elizabeth Peters. We invite others to help write, edit, provide photos or work on the business side. Send suggestions and comments to Thanks to Lynn Cripps, Kevin Cross, Drew Dupuy, Gayle Guilford, Paula Jackson, David Nyweide, Joyce Olliner, Jim Prost, Amy Sheridan, Linda Stirling, Lee Tawney and Peter Van Buren, among others, for helping with this issue. Errors and omissions are the responsibility of the editor, Bill Hamilton.