Bolton Hill has a new sculpture: Crouching Movement

On a damp September Saturday that coincided with MICA Weekend, town and gown met to dedicate the sculpture Crouching Movement by artist Kristen Campbell. It’s the first of six outdoor sculptures gifted to the neighborhood by longtime resident and art collector Stanley Mazaroff and his late wife, Nancy Dorman.

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Renovation of Brown Memorial: a $500,000 historic endeavor

Brown Memorial Presbyterian Church has undertaken a significant renovation of its north tower, spurred by the noticeable deterioration of the tower’s exterior façade. The church at West Lafayette and Park Aves. has a national reputation for its architecture and magnificent Tiffany windows. Overall cost of the repairs is expected to approach $500,000, mostly paid from savings and an endowment.

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With Corpus Christi closing, what becomes of its priest and staff?

The conclaves are mostly over, although consideration of appeals continues, since the Archdiocese of Baltimore decreed that more than half of all of the Catholic parishes in the city will close and/or merge in the coming weeks. Bolton Hill’s 144-year-old Corpus Christi parish will be merged into the facilities and programs at the Basilica. But what will become of Corpus Christi’s staff and its historic building?

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Bolton Hill Notes

🎨 New public art on Eutaw Place? 🏙️ North Avenue authority to discuss its plans for corridor 🏛️ Lillie Carroll museum seeks volunteers and interns 🚓 Just 9 police incidents reported in September for neighborhood 📚 Old bookstore will become popup arts center at The Fitzgerald

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