BHCA and neighbor groups get grant for ‘Green Streets’ development









In cooperation with Madison Park and Historic Marble Hill community associations, the BHCA Greening Committee received a $15,000 grant to plan a joint Green Streets project along parks and median strips at 1402 Eutaw Park (Mound Park), the 1400-1500 Eutaw Place median and Mosher Plaza.

The Chesapeake Bay Trust provided the funds to identify opportunities for native plantings, to increase the tree canopy and to replace impervious surfaces with more permeable materials along the boulevard that separates Bolton Hill from those other neighborhoods.

Lee Tawney, co-chair of the BHCA committee with Doug Kelso, noted that “the neighborhoods have been divided historically and socially by Eutaw Place (the “Red Line” which ran from North Avenue to Dolphin). We viewed this greening project as an opportunity to help bridge that divide.”

The $15,000 was received and a RFP issued for a Green Streets concept plan. A working group of representatives from Madison Park, Marble Hill and Bolton Hill chose the landscape architecture firm of Hord Coplan Macht, Inc. to produce the plan. After meeting with stakeholders and the city departments of Housing and Community Development, Recreation and Parks, and Transportation, the Green Streets concept plan was completed on Jan. 18th. The next step is a second request to the Chesapeake Bay Trust for a second grant to start the work.