Vacation’s over! The Board will meet on Tuesday, September 1 at 8 p.m. in the Upper Parish Hall of Memorial Episcopal Church at the corner of Bolton & Lafayette. Enter at the Lafayette St. doors. MRIA meets regularly on the first Tuesday of each month; all neighbors are invited to attend. Light refreshments provided.
by Doreen Rosenthal, BHEN Manager
The Bolton Hill Email Network (BHEN) serves 850+ neighbors, Baltimore City Police representatives, our elected city and state representatives, and others who have an interest in Bolton Hill. Everyone is welcome to participate: membership in MRIA is not required. Simply send an email to to subscribe.
BHEN distributes information only. It is not a discussion board or listserv. Members of the group send messages to the manager, who then distributes messages to network members. BHEN is restricted to urgent messages, such as safety, lost or found pets/keys, and MRIA announcements. Send messages about these issues to for approval and dissemination. Announcements of public events should be sent to Information of community interest that does not fit the criteria above may be posted on the bulletin board. BHEN cannot receive or disseminate replies—these should be sent to the contact person identified in the message you receive from BHEN.