What happens next with the emptying Eutaw-Marshburn Elementary School?
Baltimore City Schools has made good on its plan to close the Eutaw-Marshburn Elementary School and to disperse the remaining 150 or so students to other nearby public schools, in spite of community protests.
So how long will the school on Eutaw Place at the Bolton Hill-Madison Park border sit empty, and what is to become of it?
The city’s Department of Housing and Community Development will hold a virtual public meeting to discuss possible uses for the building and site, at 1624 Eutaw Place, at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 21. To dial in go to https25h68xm://tinyurl.com/25h68xm . For further information contact Chad Hayes at DHCD, 410-396-3958 or Chad.Hayes@baltimorecity.gov.
Help Mt. Royal Elementary-Middle School choose its new entrance art
The Mt. Royal Elementary-Middle School PTO and administration are working on a new front art piece for the school with ceramic artist Herb Massie, who has extensive experience in working as a community artist and with Baltimore City youth. And they want your input.
Community members as well as students, parents and staff are encouraged to review two proposed designs and cast a vote for your favorite. Participants are asked to submit only one vote per household. The deadline for submitting a vote is June 30.
The winning design will be transferred onto a series of multiple panels and will be transformed from a sketch into a ceramic mosaic using a mix of custom tiles, glass, mirrors and other found objects. Once completed, the panels will be hung on the outside of the school building.
This exciting project has been made possible by a grant from the Maryland State Arts Council. Mt. Royal students will be working with artist Herb Massie to construct the panels during the 2023-24 school year. Cast your vote at https://forms.gle/af1NdBEeoTfCwu1w5. If you have questions, please contact Kimberly Canale, PTO President at president@mtroyalpto.org.
Does BGE plan to install new pressure regulators in Bolton Hill?
Baltimore Gas and Electric Co. has been upgrading aging natural gas pipes and equipment throughout the region for years, but recent front-of-house installations of ugly pressure regulators, which control natural gas pressure, have some residents in older city neighborhoods complaining.
Efforts to reach BGE to ask about plans for Bolton Hill were unsuccessful.
“They are literally forcing people to put them outside on the frontage of their homes,” said Kate Simms, president of the Fells Point Residents Association’s board. The Baltimore Sun wrote about complaints from residents of Fells Point, Washington Hill, Butchers Hill, Locust Point and Federal Hill who have been told they have no choice.
If you’ve heard from BGE, contact bulletin@boltonhillmd.org.
It’s easy to make a difference in the neighborhood
Little things matter. Teresa Smith called her friend Barbara Stern last month to help paint the benches in F. Scott Fitzgerald Park. That’s the park at Bolton and Wilson. Teresa is a member of the BHCA parks stewards.
“I said I’ll help,” said Barbara. “We need to sand, and paint Rust-oleum paint. I had brushes. She bought the paint. We both had tarps to place underneath so no paint landed on the brick. It took about an hour. Later I went back and gave them a second coat.”
”We live next door to each other, got friendly over the pandemic stooping. We both like to make things look better. She’s a gardener; I just like to weed. I get great satisfaction from seeing the difference. I keep our tree well in our block weed-free. Or try to.”
There are lots of small things anyone can do to keep Bolton Hill special: if you see trash on the street or sidewalk, pick it up. Notice a streetlight not working? Call 311. If you own a house, keep your yard presentable. If you rent, tell your landlord when the gardens get weedy or tree wells need attention. Or, do it yourself.
Report graffiti, even if it is not your property. The mayor is running for re-election, and he says the City will fix it. Call 311 and see what happens. A new homeowner once asked when the HOA would clean the tree wells! Well, you are the HOA and keep tree wells looking nice. Dog owners, pick up after your animal. Be kind, smile and say hello!
DPW wants to stop sending you paper water bills
The Department of Public Works, infamous for its inability to get water bills out accurately, has a deal for you. Sign up for their paperless billing program and get a one-time, 5 percent discount on your water and sewer bill.
The deadline for taking advantage of the offer is June 30, and the discount is limited to residential customers and is capped at $150. After customers sign up for paperless billing, they will no longer receive mailed paper water and sewer bills. Go to the DPW website to sign up,
BHCA has no scheduled meetings in July and August
Typically, the community association does not meet in the summer, although the executive committee and other committees will continue to operate. The next scheduled board meeting, open to all members, will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 5 at 8 p.m. at Memorial Episcopal Church’s Farnham Hall on West Lafayette Avenue. The Bolton Hill Bulletin also does not appear in the summer. Its next issue will come in September.
City opening swimming pools for the summer
City park pools operate through Labor Day while neighborhood pools are open from June 15 through Aug. 20. Prior to June 15, park pools are open Saturday and Sunday, 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. and 4 – 8 p.m.
Beginning on June 15, most city swimming facilities, including the pool at Druid Hill Park, are open seven days a week. Summer pool hours are Monday through Thursday, 12 p.m. – 3 p.m. and 4 – 7 p.m. Weekend hours are Friday through Sunday, 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. and 4 – 8 p.m. Admission is free.
About the Bulletin. . . .
There will be no Bulletin in July and August. The bulletin is published 10 times a year. It is designed by Elizabeth Peters. We invite others to help write, edit, provide photos or work on the business side. Send suggestions and comments to bulletin@boltonhillmd.org. Thanks to Father Marty Demek, Paula Jackson, David Nyweide, Marti Pitrelli, Kristine Smets, David Spector, Barbara Stern and Lee Tawney, among others, for advice and contributions this month. Errors and omissions are the responsibility of the editor, Bill Hamilton.