MRIA focused on two important topics at their first meeting following the summer break, held, as always, on the first Tuesday of the month: security cameras and the new neighborhood communication plan.
Security Cameras
At September’s Board meeting, the Safety and Security Task Force updated attendees on the Security Camera Initiative. With Jill Kingery recently stepping down from this task force (a big thanks to her for all the hard work), the reins have been picked up by co-chairs Barbie Klik and Richard Dunfee.
To take a proactive stance toward neighborhood security, the Task Force, with the help of neighbor David Scott, conducted an email survey which revealed that at least 60 people in the neighborhood were interested in finding out more about security cameras.
They then researched how individual households could install such cameras to protect their own property and increase security for neighbors. Once installed, cameras can be registered with CitiWatch to provide information to police if a crime occurs nearby.
The Task Force has posted a great deal of valuable information online in a Google Drive folder. If you don’t already have one, you will need a free Google account to access this folder.
The information includes a fact sheet that provides lots of tips for installing a system, including the pros and cons of different types of cameras and professional vs. DIY installation. David noted that some homeowners’ insurance policies provide discounts if security cameras are installed.
The information folder also contains sample proposals from three contractors deemed suitable for installing systems on houses in historic neighborhoods. These installers have agreed to provide a discount to Bolton Hill residents in support of this effort.
David reminded everyone that all exterior projects, including camera installations, should be presented to the Architecture Review Committee for approval before proceeding.
MRIA Communications Plan Including a NEW Website
Under the direction of Second Vice President Linda Rittelmann, MRIA has undertaken a major and much-needed update to all of its communications systems, including email,the Bolton Hill Electronic Network (BHEN), social media and other online resources.
As part of this effort, all communications to MRIA members and BHEN have been consolidated onto the same platform, providing an easier, more secure and more stable tool for these important messages.
The next step is to build a new website to replace, which was state-of-the-art at one time, but is now in desperate need of an overhaul. With Executive Committee backing and Board approval at September’s meeting, work is underway to identify a professional website designer to build the new site. A budget of up to $5,000 was approved for this project, and an RFP has been circulated.
It is hoped that the new website will be live in early winter 2017.
If you know a web designer to recommend, or if you yourself would be interested in bidding on this work, please email Linda at Linda.Rittelmann [at]
As part of these changes, the Bulletin Board and Home Improvement Directory are no longer available. The new, improved website will resurrect the Home Improvement Resource Directory in a new format to allow crowd sourced input and recommendations.
However, the Bulletin Board communications are being replaced by the MRIA Facebook page and with NextDoor, a private, web-based bulletin board that provides the same functionality as the Bolton Hill Bulletin Board did, but with more features. Both services are free.
Next Meeting & More
The next MRIA Board Meeting will be on Tuesday, October 4 at 8 pm in Farnham Hall at Memorial Episcopal Church. Socializing and light refreshments start at 7:30 PM. Everyone is welcome to attend.
This issue of the Bulletin also details two other items mentioned at MRIA’s September’s meeting:
- Ballot Question I on city auditing. City Councilman Eric Costello urges support for Question I on November’s ballot.
- Michael Privette sentencing.