Meet Tony Mack; he’s our neighborhood arabber

A peculiar piece of Baltimore charm, our city is one of the last to host arabbers (pronounced AY-rabbers), colorful horse-drawn fruit carts that can be seen rolling through Bolton Hill. Arabbers and their equine companions have been delivering fruit and produce to Baltimore neighborhoods since before the city’s founding in 1729, long before Uber Eats or Instacart or even the idea of supermarkets.

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Bolton Hill Notes

🏠 BHCA creates committee on neglected, mismanaged properties; 💯 Parago family honored with Centennial Homes award; 🗿 Removing remnant of Confederate monument under discussion; 🕊️ Jim Craigen, Bolton Square resident, dies; 🌽 Two farmers markets are nearby on Wednesdays and Thursdays; ✈️ Brown Memorial Church is fundraising to bring Cubans to Bolton Hill

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