BHCA has a winterized schedule ahead
BHCA will hold its last meeting of the calendar year on Tuesday, Dec. 6 at Farnham Hall of Memorial Episcopal Church. Any neighborhood resident is invited, starting with a 7:30 p.m. social mingle and an 8 p.m. business meeting. Meetings in January and February will begin at 8 p.m. and will take place on Zoom in expectation that cooler and darker times are ahead. The board expects to resume in-person meetings in March 2023.
Christmas decorations already?
Isn’t it early to be thinking of holiday decorations? Yes, but…
The Bolton Hill Garden Club will be holding its annual holiday greens sale again this year, and it is not too early to place an order for a fresh wreath, a door swag or roping. Click here to order now. The greens will arrive in early December. If you have questions, contact Gwyn Armstrong at
But it’s not too early to plant trees
The fall Bolton Hill tree planting is set for Saturday, Nov. 19, beginning at 9 a.m., rescheduled from Oct. 29. Bring gloves, shoes for digging and autumn enthusiasm to Fitzgerald Park, Bolton and Wilson streets, for assignments. No experience is required.
Good news about dog poop
Bolton Hill dogs, and their owners, should be happy to hear that we have two brand new dog waste stations. Midtown Baltimore installed them on Nov. 4. One is at the south entrance to Sumpter Park on Laurens Street across from Linden Street. The second has been placed at Park Avenue Median Park – north end of 1600 block at the intersection with Wilson Street.
Leaf removal extends into the new year; plus water line repairs on Eutaw median
Midtown Baltimore is partnering with a professional landscape company, Landcare, to aid in providing leaf management services in Bolton Hill. These services started on Nov. 7. Additional leaf management services will be provided in the months of December and January.
Midtown and BHCA’s Greening Committee are working with Fountain Craft, a city-approved maintenance vendor, to address broken water lines and ground-level hydrants in Eutaw Place median park spaces. Midtown and BHCA are providing funding for these repairs.
Learn about plans to update Baltimore’s comprehensive plan
Residents are invited to participate in a Plan Our Baltimore community conference scheduled for Dec. 3 from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Baltimore Polytechnic Institute (1400 W Cold Spring Lane). The new deputy mayor for community economic development, Justin Williams, will speak and participants can take part in up to three sessions from a list of topics like transit-oriented development, food access, designing for public safety, greening and equitable development.
This event is the culmination of a yearlong effort that engaged over 1,300 Baltimore residents through open houses, surveys, online conversations, trainings and community-hosted vision sessions in support of an update to Baltimore’s comprehensive plan. The next phase of the plan update will be a draft plan for community reaction and feedback. Registration closes on Nov. 28.
About the Bulletin . . .
The Bulletin is designed by Elizabeth Peters. We invite others to help write, edit, provide photos or work the business side. Send suggestions and comments to Thanks to Sarah Barnes, Kimberly Canale, Paula Jackson, David Nyweide, Emily Reichert, Lee Tawney, Peter Van Buren, and Dick Williams, among others, for advice and contributions. Errors and omissions are the responsibility of the editor, Bill Hamilton.