Windows Into My Soul: A Home Improvement Saga
By Robert Bunch
Anne Marie and I bought the residence known as the Mathias House (221 W. Lafayette) in September 2012. We knew it was going to be the biggest restoration project we had ever undertaken.
Volume XLVII • Number 2
By Robert Bunch
Anne Marie and I bought the residence known as the Mathias House (221 W. Lafayette) in September 2012. We knew it was going to be the biggest restoration project we had ever undertaken.
On the afternoon of Sunday, February 22, some 75 people attended the Second Annual Black History Month Party with a Purpose hosted by MRIA’s Social Action Task Force.
Don’t Forget to Renew Your Parking Permits
Parking permits need to be renewed this month. Find the details here.
A seasonal ice storm in the hours leading up to Mt.
At February’s MRIA Board Meeting, Bolton Hill resident and State Center Alliance President John Kyle related the twelve-plus-years-long saga of efforts to redevelop the State Center area.
By Susan DuMont
Mendicant: [men-di-kuh nt]
1. begging; practicing begging; living on alms.
2. pertaining to or characteristic of a beggar.
On January 27, the Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation of Metropolitan Baltimore hosted a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at the Kappa Youth and Community Center (KYCC) to honor the donors to the KYCC Renovation Project.
By Peter Van Buren
I always enjoy seeing our mailman, Angus Smith. With his ready smile, he seems genuinely happy making his rounds,