Join the fall fun at the 64th Annual Festival on the Hill, Saturday, October 14, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The Festival will have its usual mix of music (including Mambo Combo!), food, entertainment, arts and crafts vendors, and a fun, interactive kids’ area. Organized by the Bolton Hill Nursery, everything takes place on the 1300 block of Bolton Street and the 200 block of Lanvale Street.
Last year’s Festival
The Gourmet Gazebo will be back this year, with over 25 savory and sweet treats including Chili Rellenos, mac and cheese, chocolate-covered cherries, bean soup, vegetarian piccadillo, and much more!
As usual, the Bolton Hill Garden Club will have bright, beautiful pansies and ornamental kale for sale at their usual spot on the corner of Bolton and Lafayette streets, starting early at 10 a.m. Not only do the plants beautify the neighborhood, but the Club also uses all the proceeds to support community greening projects.

Plus there will be Festival T-shirts (organic cotton, of course) for sale, and the return of the Pie-in-the-Face contest.
Festival goers buy a bag of pompoms and “vote” for the person they would most like to see get a pie in the face. Past choices included our city councilman, a school principal, a rector and our favorite, a co-editor of a neighborhood newsletter. The lucky winner gets to be hit with their pie FIRST, but all the volunteer targets will be able to delight in having cream pie mashed in their face.
Remember, ALL the proceeds from the Festival go to support non-profits that serve the 21217 community. From receipts of the 2016 Festival, the Bolton Hill Nursery distributed grants ranging from $600–$800 to nine organizations: Midtown Academy, Soaring Eagles Learning Camp, Brown Memorial Tutoring Program, Memorial Episcopal Church, John St Park Association, Rutter Mill Park Association, Corpus Christi Church, and Mt. Royal Elementary and Middle School.
Come join the fun. See you there!