Planning has started for Boltonstock ’17, and the date has been set: the evening of Saturday, June 3 in Arnold Sumpter Park at Jordan and Laurens Streets.
Boltonstock is the latest incarnation of the Bolton Hill Band Concert, and will again feature delicious food and drink, community engagement, and an all-new lineup of local live music.

With planning in the early stages, why not be part of the process? Planning and logistics meetings will be scheduled in April and May.
The organizers need volunteers to cook, sell food and drink, publicize the event, set up on the day of the festival and clean up afterward.
If you’d like to lend a hand, email Chas at You can also support the event by becoming an event sponsor. Sponsorships start at $100 and can be purchased by businesses, organizations or individuals. Contact Chas for details.
Most of all, save the date of June 3 for BoltonStock ’17, and kick off the summer with an evening full of fun with neighbors and friends!