The original website was launched in 1997. A product of the visionary leadership of Doreen Rosenthal and aided by Dolph Druckman, this groundbreaking site was much loved and well used by all the neighborhood.
However, technology waits for no man, and by 2015, the site desperately needed an upgrade.
That summer Bulletin co-editors Jean Lee Cole and Peter Van Buren proposed bringing the neighborhood newsletter online. Their intention from the start was also to update the MRIA website at the same time.

Funds were approved in 2016, but efforts stalled until late 2017, when MRIA’s Communications Committee, consisting of MRIA President Linda Rittelmann, First VP David Nyweide, Brian Causey (webmaster of the old site), and Bulletin editors Jean and Peter, pushed things forward. The group contracted with Danny Ferretti Design, which had helped Jean and Peter launch the Bulletin site in 2016, to design the new site.
At the same time, the Executive Committee was working to change the name of the organization and obtain 501(c)(3) tax designation. Everyone quickly realized that both of these major changes needed to happen together.
So finally, after years in the making, we are pleased to introduce the new BHCA website.
We are sure that our avid readers will find things that need correcting. If you do, please use the Contact the Bulletin form to let us know. We also welcome your suggestions for new features. The site will always be a work in progress, and the Communications Committee could always use more volunteers. Please consider getting involved, especially if you have a feature you’d like to manage.
The new site incorporates much of the content of the original site, while updating all the information and greatly enhancing the site’s functionality. Two well-used features of the old site, the Home Improvement Resource Directory (HIRD) and the Rental Listings. have been discontinued, however, as people have generally gravitated toward for home improvement advice and recommendations and Craigslist for apartment rentals.
BHCA is considering adding a Classified Ad feature to the site that would allow neighbors to post special announcements, sell items and services, and list apartment rentals. However, such a service would need a volunteer to monitor these posts and answer questions. If you are interested in managing this feature, please contact us.