Public meeting will consider fate of emptying Eutaw Marshburn school building
City council member Eric Costello told the BHCA April meeting that he would be part of a public meeting to be held in June on the disposition of the Eutaw Marshburn Elementary School, which is being declared a surplus building by the city schools administration. The school will cease operation at the end of the current academic year, with its approximately 185 students reassigned to other nearby public schools.
The Baltimore City Board of School Commissioners voted on Jan. 25, 2022, to close this school, located at 1624 Eutaw Place, at the end of the 2022-23 school year and to surplus the building. The school serves families west of Eutaw and in the Pedestal Gardens area.
BHCA board adopts FY 2024 budget
BHCA’s board at its April meeting adopted a $91,388 operating budget for the fiscal year that runs May 1 – April 30, 2024. BHCA Treasurer Chris Kingsley projected what he called a conservative revenue estimate for the same period of $97,800.
He said the association is in good financial condition, with $173,000 on deposit – some of it earmarked for community projects. To see the budget that was unanimously approved, click here.
Ex-neighbor Bob Catsen dies at 94.
Former Bolton Hill resident Bob Catsen, an executive in the paper industry who was active in Jewish philanthropy and was an enthusiast of water sports, has died. He was 94 and living at Roland Park Place, a continuing care facility.
New member party scheduled outdoors on May 23
BHCA will celebrate residents who are new members at an outdoor party at Sumpter Park on Laurens Street Sunday, May 23, from 4 to 7 p.m. If you know of new residents in the neighborhood, encourage them to join BHCA. The first-year membership is free. Attendance is limited to new BHCA member families. In the event of rain, the party will move to nearby Unity Hall on Eutaw Place.
Mfume wants high school art submissions for national competition
Each spring, a nationwide high school arts competition is sponsored by the members of the U.S. House of Representatives. The Artistic Discovery Contest is an opportunity to recognize and encourage artistic talent in the nation, and our congressman, Kweisi Mfume, is asking for participation from his district. Deadline for submissions is April 21. All the details can be found on his web site.
About the Bulletin. . . .
The Bulletin is designed by Elizabeth Peters. We invite others to help write, edit, provide photos or work on the business side. Send suggestions and comments to Thanks to Barbara Blumberg, Lynn Cripps, Paula Jackson, Deborah Morris, David Nyweide and Lee Tawney, among others, for advice and contributions this month. Errors and omissions are the responsibility of the editor, Bill Hamilton.