Paraphrased from a Baltimore Sun article by Colin Campbell and Julie Schaper. Read the full article here.
The Empowerment Temple has converted the Bolton Hill building at 1505 Eutaw Place into to a youth center named for Freddie Gray. Formerly a community center, the new center is already open and offering free meals and camp activities to children from west side neighborhoods.
Three years ago, the Empowerment Temple put the building up for sale, but took it off the market after the unrest. When Reverend Dr. Jamal Bryant told his large Northwest Baltimore congregation about the idea for a youth center, they donated nearly $27,000 in one day. The $50,000 renovation project started immediately, with volunteers painting the walls bright colors and sprucing up this huge building.
Courses are being offered in science, math, language arts, and computer skills, as well as a cultural arts program featuring painting, music, and creative writing and an athletic camp. Volunteers are needed, especially for classroom support and during meal hours, 8:30-9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. If interested, see Executive Director Dolores Winston at the Empowerment Center’s office.