BHCA elected new leadership and heard from State Sen. Antonio Hayes at its 2023 annual meeting, held at Baltimore’s Unity Hall on May 2.
Four of the five officers remain the same: Amy Sheridan, president; Steve Howard and Yulia Suslova, vice-presidents; Chris Kingsley, treasurer. Linda Stirling is the new secretary. The slate was put forward by a nominating committee made up of Robert Bunch, John McLucas, Linda Stirling, China Boak Terrell and Flo Gutierrez.
New board members are Chevel Bess, Luke Chen, Margaret DeArcangelis, Ben Meiselman and Lee Tawney.
Sheridan spoke of the diversity of Bolton Hill. “We are roughly 4500 renters, homeowners, businesses, seniors, children and students – and dogs!” she said. She saluted our neighbors in Madison Park, Marble Hill, Reservoir Hill and Mt. Vernon-Belvedere. Citing census data, she said Bolton Hill is 52 percent white, 37 percent black; 60 percent single-family households; more than 60 percent renters, 20 percent retirees and has a $54,000 median income.
She saluted BHCA sponsors and urged members to patronize them. They include Bolton Hill Nursery, Boone Miller realtors, The Brass Tap, Brown Memorial Church, The Margaret Cleveland home and garden shop, Cookhouse restaurant, Kristine Smets genealogy and history works, MICA Open Studies, Charm City Landscapes, Corpus Christi Church, Jessica Dailey real estate, Window Masters installation and repair, Tax Consultants Fred Shoken and Donna Beth Joy Shapiro, Zhee Chatmon Photography, Fox Pest Control and Linden Park Senior Apartments.
For presidential recognition and rewards Sheridan singled out Lee Tawney and Louie Wilder and the vast BHCA Greening Committee for its work in the parks and making Festival on The Hill and Arts in the Park successes; J.R. Kellog for coordinating meeting refreshments, Linda Stirling and Thecla Meyer for planning the annual meeting, Executive Committee members Yulia Suslova, Steve Howard, Chris Kingsley, and Bill Hamilton for general leadership, Tawney for multiple other leadership roles and a Sina Quo Non award to former BHCA President David Nyweide.
About 65 members attended, along with guests from nearby neighborhoods. Photos from the event (credit: Zhee Chatmon)
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