Sen. Antonio Hayes (D-40) told BHCA’s annual meeting on May 2 that he considered the just-ended 445th Maryland General Assembly “particularly historic” and productive.
“We made historic investments in public education, created a path to economic prosperity by accelerating the state’s $15 an hour minimum wage, protected abortion rights in Maryland and passed laws to limit guns in our communities,” he said.
Hayes said he had 17 of the 20 bills he introduced become law. He highlighted efforts around homeowner tax breaks, funding to plan for the future of the closing of State Center, and additional funding and authority for the West North Avenue Development Authority, which stretches from Coppin State University to Bolton Hill. He asked BHCA to support and publicize those efforts.
The new homeowners property tax law alters application requirements to make it easier for retirees to get into the program. To qualify, a homeowner’s gross income must come only from a pension or Social Security.
Hayes said another of his bills increased funding for the state’s family and medical leave insurance program to make it more affordable for employers and employees.
Additional information on Hayes’ legislation can be found here.