Mt. Royal Elementary Needs Funding for Sixth-Grade Trip

At February’s board meeting, Stacy Wells, president of the Mt. Royal Elementary/ Middle School PTO, told MRIA of the school’s funding campaign to support the sixth graders’ week-long spring trip to NorthBay Adventure Camp in Cecil County.

In the wake of school budget cuts, they need to raise the money to cover camp fees, transportation, and scholarships. Their goal is to raise $10,000 by April.

Kids at the NorthBay Adventure Camp.
Kids at the NorthBay Adventure Camp.

The students grow from the experience, learning about environmental science while undertaking challenging activities such as a ropes course and putting on a talent show. The camp also uses multimedia to connect environmental issues with the students’ own lives.


Seventh graders who attended the camp last year have taken up the cause to raise money for their sixth-grade classmates. They wrote a fundraising letter to businesses, which Stacy read aloud.

Individuals and organizations are welcome to donate. All donations are tax-deductible. Checks can be made out to the Mount Royal PTO and can be dropped off at the school or at 1219 John St.

MRIA Vice-President Michael Marcus motioned for the finance committee to discuss how MRIA should respond to this fundraising request and make a recommendation to the MRIA Board in March.