The Bolton Hill Bulletin’s new production team gained its sea legs in January, working well together to produce this issue. One difference you’ll see right away: a new, easier-to-navigate list format for the Bulletin Calendar, now under the charge of our new Calendar Editor, Bobbi Schilling.
Kevin Morris has joined Brian Causey to work behind the scenes on the tech aspects of our new website, as well as updating other organizational tools, like email. And our new Business Manager, Bill Hamilton, has been connecting with our sponsors to obtain their support for another year. Co-editors Jean Lee Cole and Peter Van Buren will stay on, bolstered by this additional help.
MRIA’s main website is also undergoing a much-needed redesign and update. The new site will be launched this spring and will combine content and features from the current Bulletin site with updated content similar to that on MRIA’s old site.
The design team hopes to create an easy-to-navigate site that will provide a wealth of useful information about Bolton Hill and city living in the midtown area.
Volunteers are needed to create and update content and to manage the new website. If you’re interested in neighborhood architecture, history, local organizations, education and schools, churches, small business development, home improvement and renovation, advertising, or neighborhood governance, we may have a perfect place for you! Please email us at
And if you have pictures of neighborhood events, gatherings, or just photos of daily life in Bolton Hill, we’d love for you to submit them to the MRIA Dropbox account. Please submit high-res JPEG files, make sure you have the permission of your subjects, and include your name.
Finally, we anticipate openings for a few additional sponsors of the site. At only $15/month ($180/year), it’s a great way to promote your business or organization to a targeted audience in midtown Baltimore. Our sponsors make the Bulletin and the new website possible. If you or someone you know would be interested in becoming a sponsor, you can find more information here. Please thank our sponsors with your support.