BHCA’s nominating committee has put forth a proposed slate of 19 officers and directors to lead the organization in the coming 12 months. The board also has approved a near-$74,000 budget for the new fiscal year that begins in May.
Officers and board members will be elected at a membership meeting at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, May 3 (social gathering and food at 7 p.m.). It will be the first in-person meeting in two years, pandemic permitting, and will be held at Memorial Episcopal Church’s Farnham Hall. Only members who have paid this year’s dues may vote on the slate of nominees.
The committee offered a slate of new and returning officers (new to their position are starred): Amy Sheridan, currently a vice president, for president*; Steve Howard, first vice president*; Yulia Susloff, second VP*; Bill Hamilton, secretary, and Chris Kingsley, treasurer.
Nominated to fill board terms ending in 2023 are Gary Bianco*, Elizabeth Peters* and Linda Stirling. For terms ending in 2024, the nominees are: Andrew Dupuy; Dan Gilbert; Stuart Galonoy*; J.R. Kellog*; Jason Perrotti*; Marcus Pratt*; Jim Prost; Lisa Savage Phillips; Bill Schmitz; Sarah Scott*; and John Timson*.
The budget for 2023 anticipates $16,300 in dues and donations and $17,000 in sponsorships and advertising, with most of the remaining income and expenditures earmarked for specific neighborhood projects for which BHCA serves as a fiscal agent. Four neighborhood events which BHCA sponsors or supports have specific projected budgets.
A final BHCA board meeting will take place on Tuesday, June 7 at 8 p.m., also likely in person at the church. It’s open to all. The board does not meet in July or August.