A cluster of BHCA members is looking for ways to create community-based support and promote resources available to residents who are 60+ and aiming to live a lot longer in their Bolton Hill residences.
The task force, assembled by BHCA board members Tom Hasler and Bill Hamilton, met with Rose Seamon, who leads a new state-sanctioned non-profit Community for Life Benefits program for city and county residents, affiliated with Keswick, a provider of services and assisted living. It is funded in part by the State and the Keswick Foundation and relies in part on fees.
They also agreed to create a survey for older residents of Bolton Hill to express their preferences and priorities for programs aimed at better enabling them to age in place.
Among those areas of interest, the task force determined, were social events such as luncheons, happy hours or other gatherings geared to older residents; connections to government or non-profit programs that support aging in place for residents; and other programs that might support older residents around financial, social, safety, home maintenance, health or other areas.
The task force will meet again Saturday, April 23, at 10 a.m. Bolton Hill residents interested in participating should contact olderresidents@boltonhillmd.org for details. A representative from the City’s health department’s office on aging will attend the meeting.
The task force so far includes Taunya Banks, Barry and Barbara Blumberg, Lynn Cripps, Jim Craigen, Tom Edmondson, Bill Hamilton, Tom Hasler, Carol Hylton, Karen Kaufman, Lynn Pellaton, John Leith-Tetrault and Colleen Palmer.