Baltimore Police Commissioner Kevin Davis will be the guest speaker at MRIA’s Annual Membership Meeting, which will be held on the first Tuesday of the month, May 2.
The Annual Membership Meeting also features MRIA elections and a social hour at 7 pm featuring treats from local vendors including Dovecote Café, the Avenue Bakery and the Wine Source.
The business portion of the meeting will begin at 8 pm with the election of new board members and officers.
The slate being nominated for the three-year term ending in 2020 includes Lisa Scott, Peter Van Buren, Patrick Ward, Alexis Mogul, Jessica Wyatt, Joe Palumbo, Bill Hamilton, Doug Kelso, and Marjorie Forster.
The officer nominees are: Linda Rittelmann, President; David Nyweide, First Vice President; Kendra Parlock, Second Vice President; Barry Blumberg, Treasurer; Kellie Wellborn, Secretary; Lisa Robinson, General Counsel; and Steve Howard, Past President.
MRIA business will be followed by the guest speaker for the evening, Police Commissioner Kevin Davis.
Please plan to attend this fun and informative evening. As usual, the meeting will be in the upper hall at Memorial Episcopal Church; enter on the Lafayette Street side.
There is no charge for the event, and all are welcome to attend, whether you are a member or not.
That said, if you’d like to join or if you have not yet renewed your MRIA membership, now is a great time to do so. You can do so online here.