By Avendui Lacovara
I love being a realtor.
Whether it’s a stranger met at an open house, a friend of a friend, or a neighbor, all clients take a leap of faith trusting me with one of the major changes in their lives, and I am honored to help them.
Folks typically choose to move at moments when their lives change—when they get a new job or a raise, have a new baby and outgrow their home, become empty-nesters or retire.
Sometimes clients move just a few blocks away and sometimes they move across the country, but no matter why a client is moving or how far they are going, it’s always a privilege to help. I take the responsibility seriously.
While we love to sell grand, architecturally important properties like those in Bolton Hill and other historic neighborhoods, it’s helping people buy the home that’s right for them that matters most. Each of our team has stories of folks crying with joy as they receive keys to their new home.
One client’s story will always stick with me. As a result of the Great Recession, she had lost her job, and her credit rating had plummeted. With hard work and determination, she landed a new job, righted her financial ship, and bought her first home.
After signing all the papers at settlement, she broke down sobbing, because until that moment she hadn’t believed she could buy a home.
While not all sales are that fraught with emotion, helping someone create a life they love always moves us.
After selling solo for many years, in 2015 I formed the Lacovara Group. I joined up with two other full-time agents, Tracey Clark and Martha Craig, licensed assistant Ian Cameron and office administrator Joan Garlow. Our team ensures that all clients get the best personalized customer service.
Plus, we laugh have fun and laugh a lot.
The Lacovara Group is on call and available seven days a week. We work hard for our clients. It upsets me that realtors are sometimes thought of as used car salesmen, when the Lacovara Group prides itself on always having our clients’ best interests at heart.
People may not realize it, but we love helping stage a home to show it off, and we love when neighbors stop by our open houses.
I’m also a big sports fan, especially hockey and soccer.
Visit the Lacovara Group online here.