BHCA: looking ahead for the next two years

When the leadership of our association chose to change the name from the Mount Royal Improvement Association to Bolton Hill Community Association in 2018, it was about much more than changing some words. It was a recognition of what had happened in the past with an eye to the future. With that refocused foundation, we have been and will continue to partner with Madison Park, Marble Hill and Reservoir Hill to enhance the quality of life for our greater neighborhood.

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Time for BHCA nominations is now. Please come forward...

Now’s your opportunity to nominate yourself or a neighbor to make BHCA even better. BHCA’s nominating process is underway for board members and officers to serve two-year and longer terms leading the neighborhood organization. To qualify as a nominee, or to nominate someone, you only must be a member.

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Traffic issues in Bolton Hill moving toward solutions (perhaps)

Traffic-calming requests abound, within Bolton Hill and throughout Baltimore generally. In June of this year, after the Baltimore City Department of Transportation had received 40+ individual requests for traffic calming in Bolton Hill, city council member Eric Costello’s staff asked the Bolton Hill Community Association to identify two top priorities for DOT.

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