Planning for BoltonStock 2016

Caleb Stine & the Brakeman, BoltonStock '15
Caleb Stine & the Brakeman, BoltonStock ’15

Planning has started for BoltonStock 2016, and the date has been set: June 25 from 6–9 pm.

You may remember that last year, when the City pulled the plug on the annual neighborhood June band concert due to budgetary concerns, neighbors jumped in to reincarnate the event in a new form. Thus, BoltonStock was born.

Pulling together a new outdoor festival normally takes months or even years, but Chas Phillips and Victoria Lebron worked miracles, organizing everything in a matter of weeks. The 2015 event was a big success, as reported in last July’s Bulletin.

Caleb Stine and the Brakemen have confirmed that they will be playing again this year, and the planning crew is considering more acts. Of course there will be children’s activities, food on the grill, beer & wine.

Fans enjoying the evening
Fans enjoying the evening

The organizers need volunteers for cooking, selling food and drink, setup on the day of the festival and cleanup afterward, spreading the word, and more. Planning and logistics meetings will be scheduled in May and June.

If you’d like to lend a hand, email Chas at And look for a Facebook event page to be up shortly.

Most of all, don’t miss BoltonStock 2016.