It’s time for a stoop party!
Please join the Social Action Task Force (SATF) for our second Party with a Purpose (read about the first one here) on Saturday, April 16th at 11:30 am. We’ll be outdoors on the stoop of 1529 Bolton Street for Bloody Marys and beer.
Farmers from the Whitelock Community Farm in Reservoir Hill will be on hand to tell us about the pleasures and trials of growing crops in the city. When you talk “Buy Local,” you don’t get more local than this.
We’ll learn about what they grow, their farm stand and CSA, and volunteer opportunities to get your hands in the dirt. They always need more help around a farm.
We’ll also hear from neighbor Chas Phillips about the plans for BoltonStock 2016, which will be the honored guest at SATF’s third Party with a Purpose.
At 1 pm, we’ll walk together over to the Boundary Block Party at the Upton Triangle, where there will be food and music and more fun. Plan on making a day of it.
Attendees should bring a $10 donation to offset the cost of drinks and support Whitelock Farm.