December Events
Here’s a brief overview of some of the local happenings in December.
Go to the Bulletin Calendar for details and additional events,
Volume XLV • Number 11
Here’s a brief overview of some of the local happenings in December.
Go to the Bulletin Calendar for details and additional events,
by Jean Lee Cole
The Bolton Hill Bulletin began publication 45 years ago and is one of Baltimore’s longest-running neighborhood newsletters.
It’s true. Bolton Hill does know how to throw a party.
MRIA’s Social Action Task Force (SATF) proved this again with a laughter-filled afternoon of Halloween fun on the warm,
The monthly meetings of MRIA’s Social Action Task Force are always open to everyone, but in the aftermath of this year’s divisive elections, the SATF is encouraging all interested neighbors to attend their December meeting on Sunday,
Developers Dave Bramble of MCB Real Estate and Mark Renbaum of MLR Partners were on hand at the November meeting of the Madison Park North (MPN) Neighborhood Coalition.
As the growing season ends, Whitelock Community Farm in Reservoir Hill finishes off another busy year. Their 2016 accomplishments include:
Erika is a hard worker who needed help to get herself and her three young sons into an apartment, and on the right track. Just a few months ago,
Day in and day out, more than 30,000 people make the daily trek from Maryland to Washington DC, traveling 4-6 hours per day just to be able to call Charm City home.
Starting in January 2017, the weekly neighborhood Sheng Zhen Gong class taught by Peter Van Buren will move to the Upper Parish Hall at Memorial Episcopal Church.
by Marti Pitrelli
Under the direction of new president Atiba Nkurmah, the Marble Hill Community Association’s goals are to increase homeownership,