Developers Dave Bramble of MCB Real Estate and Mark Renbaum of MLR Partners were on hand at the November meeting of the Madison Park North (MPN) Neighborhood Coalition. The MPN site sits just across North Avenue opposite the end of the 1800 block of Bolton Street.
The main focus of the meeting was listening to demolition contractor David Berg of Berg Construction explain the demolition process and answer questions from the group.
Demolition is slated to begin on December 9, 2016 and will last approximately five months. To start, the construction crews will rip out the innards of each building, while ensuring that any asbestos is properly removed.
Then, each building will be demolished, with the brick and concrete recycled on site for use in rebuilding the property. Demolition work will take place most days from 7 am to 3 pm. The chain link fence encircling the property will remain until the site is cleared.
The developers reiterated that they want input from the community regarding desirable uses for the site. The adjacent properties on North Avenue, currently Linden Liquor Lounge and Total Healthcare, along with the new John Eager Howard School construction, may eventually become part of the overall development plan for this area.
Everyone is invited to attend the MPN Neighborhood Coalition’s monthly meetings at 7 pm every 4th Monday (but NOT in December) in the St. Francis Neighborhood Center, 2405 Linden Avenue.
To keep abreast of the news about this redevelopment project, the Coalition’s meeting minutes are posted online at this Google Drive link.