The monthly meetings of MRIA’s Social Action Task Force are always open to everyone, but in the aftermath of this year’s divisive elections, the SATF is encouraging all interested neighbors to attend their December meeting on Sunday, December 11, 6 to 8 pm.
It’s a Potluck Party with a Purpose, so please bring something to share—something to eat and wine or another beverage.

The potluck will be in Upper Parish Hall at Memorial Episcopal (enter from the Lafayette Street side). SATF will recap this year’s accomplishments, review its mission, and discuss goals and projects for 2017.
Many nonprofit organizations serving the 21217 neighborhood will be on hand to provide their input on how Bolton Hill’s efforts can best complement their work.
Get involved in your community. Together we can make a difference.
Read about the success of SATF’s fall event, the Halloween Pumpkin Fest.