All you need to know about composting

Christina Garrrahan and Compost Crew are working on bringing composting to the city and setting up pickup and processing sustainable systems. Have a question about composting?  Want to set up a community or household composting pick up?   Reach out. Or sign up online and use Chris G 10 off to get $10 off your first month. or 


Bolton Hill has a police post officer

This is new: a police officer specifically assigned to our neighborhood.   Contact him with non-emergency neighborhood questions or issues but if you need immediate attention call 911 or, for less urgent police issues, 311.  He is Officer Thomas Gross J594 Baltimore Police Department, 410-452-1100, phone or text.  Email is .  He says that when he is at work, he is in Bolton Hill. Contact him as needed.


Volunteer for a neighborhood urban garden

Sassascapes, a non-profit urban gardening group, is starting a community garden at Pedestal Gardens in Madison park that focuses on youth development through service. Volunteers have planted 50 bulbs of tulips, crocuses and Irises, along with perennial flowers, local herbs, green onions and one rose bush. 3 weeks ago, we planted 4 blueberry bushes and 2 raspberry bushes. The youth are excited about their secret bulb garden that is going to pop up in the spring and the adults are happy to see the youth doing positive things in their community.  Lend your support.  More at


THREAD needs volunteers to work with high schoolers

Now in its 16th year, Thread connects university students, community-based volunteers and collaborating professionals to high school freshman students at risk of dropping out of school based on their academic performance (bottom 25% of their class) and an abundance of challenges outside the classroom.  It surrounds them with support for the remainder of their high school years and beyond, hoping to show them a path to career and personal success.  In doing so, Thread hopes to change the fabric of Baltimore and build lasting relationships that transcend the barriers that prevent the city from moving forward.  Several Bolton Hill residents already are volunteers.  More information: