I became the editor of the Bolton Hill Bulletin in January 2015 when we were still first-class mailing printed newsletters to subscribers in the neighborhood. That summer Jean Lee Cole and I hatched the idea of moving the Bulletin online and did so in January 2016.
From the start, we conceived of an integrated site that would both serve as the website for the association and the platform for publishing the Bulletin. It just took a little longer than we expected. Five years in the making, it gives me great pleasure to applaud the relaunch of the BHCA website and the new improved Bulletin. In concert with the BHCA Facebook page and an occasional glance at the Nextdoor.com Bolton Hill section, it’s easier than ever to stay up to date on the neighborhood.
BHCA President David Nyweide spearheaded this effort, but Mia Jordan and Valentia McVey of FatCat Studios handled the real heavy lifting. Mia made the site look great and function just as planned. Says Valentia, “FatCat Studios is a boutique group of talented creatives who realize it’s not just about how great the work is, it’s also about how great we are to work with. … What we are really (and proudly) known for is offering our clients ‘design without the drama.’ Simply put, drama is not one of the services we offer.”
Bill Hamilton ranks as a third hero for taking over the editorship of the Bulletin from Jean Lee Cole and me. Both of us are looking forward to being avid readers and sometimes contributors. Kylie Perrotti took charge of the design and technical side of getting this issue out. Other volunteers are welcome to contribute to future issues of the Bulletin.
Obviously, it is a big site with lots of pieces. The team has tried to catch all the mistakes, but there surely are some still there for viewers to find. Please let us know when you do, and we will reward you by fixing them. Send any feedback about or new ideas for the website to webmaster@boltonhillmd.org and Bulletin story ideas to bulletin@boltonhillmd.org.
It’s great to have you back.
by Peter Van Buren